On a quest to find acceptance and happiness: Three Transgender women decide to join the migrant caravan.

At the peak of the 2018 migrant caravan, there were roughly 7,200 people attempting to walk thousands of miles to the American border.  Among those making the journey was a small group of trans women.  These women, strangers at the outset, formed a community along the way to keep each other safe.  The Right Girls is a film that tells the story of three such women.

Valentyna, Joanne, and Chantal met at the southern tip of Mexico and made the 2400-mile journey the rest of the way together.  Fleeing extortion, discrimination, and abusive relationships in their home countries, the women endure hardship after hardship as they slowly make their way to the US—never losing sight of their dream of acceptance and opportunity. 

In a time when America is less hospitable to those in need than it has been for generations, The Right Girls shows that the US is still a beacon of hope for people in dire circumstances.  A celebration of the American Dream, this story exemplifies the extraordinary lengths people will go to in order to be free.  To be themselves.

Director Timothy Wolfer met the girls in Southern Mexico and traveled alongside them to Mexico City, on to Tijuana and eventually to a remote dusty border post where each girl, an anxiety-filled six weeks later, requested asylum.

To learn more about Transgender women seeking asylum in the United States please visit the Santa Fe Dreamers project.